Monday, April 27, 2009

For Oliver,

so happy birthday
the poets cry themselves to sleep
knowing that one more hit
and one more drink
will bring their next line
but the pennies stack
on the coffee table
and add up to a dollar and 27 cents.
only enough for coffee
and maybe a puff of cigarette smoke
maybe a headache
and a single out of tune piano key.
believe me.
every day the seer wakes up
and wishes he didn't
and everyday the listener wakes up
and is glad he does.
but the lonely man,
who raps his fingers
thrice on each side of his pant-legs
and rubs his upper gums
with the tip of his tongue,
lights a square in the shoddy lit alley
like a character in a movie he's seen
or will see.
his hands tired and mind wandering
shakes the dust from jeans
and sucks venom from wounds
to walk three blocks home
to a sleeping wife and cat
and he feels like a man
standing still in a piss puddle
dissapating, draining,
feigning free thought.
only wanting straight talk
from friends and family
and finding nothing but bones
and dust under his feet
but he can stand to be damaged
but damn it.
he can't help but hurt sometimes
when he slips his shoes off
at the end of the day.
he takes another slow drag
and figures, "fuck it,
i want beauty in every word,
and love in every dead star,
i need grace in pen,
and a place to lay my head
when i can't lift it."

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jesus Christ, it's

been quite a while,
my bare knees touching 
the smooth cedar of the kneeling pew.
Jesus Christ, it's
almost like i/you/we 
are dying all over again
because this pit in my stomach keeps growing larger
but maybe its the pabst 
or the swift kick in the ass 
i got
when i realized that everything 
will be okay.
everything will be okay.
Jesus Christ it's
like my hair's on fire
and the only water to put it out
is the holy water on the altar 
but how can i live without it's burning purge
of sins against my scalp.
but breathe.
i lived twice already and still nothing moves me.

i can't believe i just used ass in a poem.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

right now,

i want to scream from a second floor window,
scratch that.
i just screamed from a second floor window.
silly things,
like watching you fall asleep
and kissing you goodbye in the morning.
and i'm sorry but this is going to be harder than i thought.
and goddamnit i miss you so much.
and i wish you would have showed me that one.
i promise i'd like it.
and if what we're left with is computer screens with words 
that only each other really read,
then i'm sorry i can't say these things to you.
i wish you could have just taken the picture then,
i would have been smiling,
but i,
i don't do too much smiling these days.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

this feeling is like a disease ravening the carcass of a deer on the side of the road,
it's not like you can see it
but even from a distance you can tell it hurts like hell.

i guess,

i could've seen this coming
if i'd looked harder
if i'd upturned every rock
but i've seen what happens to the 
damned and the dying when
they try to take on the world with a 
thorn in paw.
and i've seen what happens to a 
house when the roof
comes crashing down
and the walls still stand
there's just a new view of the sky 
and a new view of the ceiling.
and really i'm just sick of being sad.
it was so good for what seemed like so long.
maybe it'll make me write more.
maybe it'll make me cross three fingers
behind my back and pray
to wake up.
maybe i'll take the fucking hint.
maybe i'll be fine soon enough.
maybe it will freeze these fingers to the bone
and they'll just sto